Kareela Oval

Kareela Oval

Going into 8th season - over 500 teams
Kareela Map

Location  -Kareela Oval, Kareela NSW -  Sutherland Shire, 451 Princess Highway Kareela 

All weather, elite, synthetic, multi-purpose excellent playing surface that complies with both FIFA 1 Star and FIFA 2 Star standards. Ample parking and toilets

Played on field 2 (middle synthetic field) and field 3 (south synthetic field - 150 lux floodlighting 

Game are played on Super 6 Soccer 6-a side pitches (approx. 45m long by 35m wide for under 8 and over and on 24m long x 22 m wide for under 7) on Mondays

Our fields are are identified by numbers or letters on the back or side of the goals. The draw includes the field number/letter and named after famous football grounds around the world.

The games will be played on one of 6 fields (Mondays): 

  • Kareela-Pitch 1-"The Bridge"
  • Kareela Pitch 2-"Da Luz"
  • Kareela- Pitch 3- "Anfield"
  • Kareela-Pitch 4-"Juventus"
  • Kareela-Pitch 5-"All Trafford (A B and C for u7s)
  • Kareela-Pitch 6-" Homebush

Comp categories

Adult - Men & women-All age, o35, o30, o45, U18 & adult mixed. Mon (Sep-Mar)  2 x 12 week comps (6.40-9.15pm)

Youth - u12-u16 youth boys and girls- Mon (Sep-Dec) 1 x 12 week comps (5.30.-7.30pm)

Junior - u6 to u12, mixed, boys and girls- Mon (Sep-Dec)1 x 12 week comp (5.00pm- 6.30pm)


Some more info

Only full team registrations are accepted (min 8 players to register in a team-6 play on field). 

Juniors u7-u11(include all boys or all girls or a mix of both) u12-16 (are gender specific comps)

Junior and youth teams (u6-16) get full quality uniform (shirt shorts and socks) to play in and keep

Active kids vouchers are accepted at time of payment

Adult teams are responsible for their own playing uniforms. Numbers are now required on the shirts of all adult teams. Adult and under 18 teams can purchase uniforms from Super 6 Soccer for an extra fee. 

O35 O45 men's and women's teams can only register players that are in that age category

This season we will accept single registrations to form teams where possible and only if we get the required number of singles to form a team. Fore more information click here



The registration fees can be viewed in the tab above.

Click on the following link for a little more information and to register your team or register yourself  Register to play 

Comp Dates

Comp 1 (Sep-Dec)

Comp 2 (Dec-Mar)

Mon 9 Sep-9 Dec 2024

Juniors/youth boys and girls- u6-u16 5.00-8.30pm

Mon 9 Sep-9 Dec 2024

Adults-Men women all age o35 o45, mixed & u18 7-9pm

Mon 9/16 Dec - 6 Jan-24/31 Mar 2025

Adults-Men women all age o35 o45, mixed & u18 7-9pm

10 rounds + semis & finals (all teams play in semis round)11-12 games

10 rounds + semis & finals (all teams play in semis round)11-12 games

No games  23 Sep & 7-Oct)

Will be playing on 30 Sep


Game length and times

Game times may vary depending on the number of teams in each age group

Junior games are 32 minutes (2x16 minute halves), swap at half time.

Game times for adults will be allocated on a random basis.

Adult games are 36 minutes (2x18 minute halves), with a straight swap at half time.


Category Times

Playing Category

Times Approx. (pm)  

Boys/girls u7/u8/u9/10/11


Boys/girls u10/11/12/13


Boys/girls u/11/12/13/14


Boys/girls u13/14/15/16


Boys/girls u/14/15/16


Men/Women All age & u18


Men/Women Over 35/45


Mixed adult



Under  7-11 teams can be all boys all girls or a mixture of both . U12- up are gender specific. Adult mixed - mixture of males and females



Games will go ahead if its been raining or raining on the day of play

Games will only be stopped if lightning or only in severe weather conditions. Click here for more details on weather cancellation policy.

Junior & youth single player registration fees (u7-u16) 

Kareela Junior Individual Player Registration 


Player Fee (includes uniform)

Player Fee  active kids voucher & uniform

Super early bird (15% off)

14 Jun - 16 Jul

$204.00 (Junior) $208.45 (Youth)

$154.00 (Junior) $158.45 (Youth)

Early bird fee (10% off):

17 Jul - 11 Aug

$216.00 (Junior)  $220.5 (Youth) 

$166.00 (Junior) $170.50 (Youth)

Standard fee:

12 Aug - 18 Aug

$240.00 (Junior) $245 (Youth)

$190.00 (Junior) $195 (Youth)

Registration close

18 - Aug



Late registration fee

18 Aug - 8 Sep

$264.00 (Junior) $269 (Youth)

$214.00 (Junior) $219 (Youth) 

Comp dates

9 Sep - 9 Dec


No Games

30 Sep & 7 Oct


  • Register a min of 8 players (min of 7 players for the under 7s as their comp will be 5 a side)
  • Junior players must be registered and paid by 18 Aug to get their uniforms by the first round (11 Sep)
  • Players that register and pay 19 Aug- 30 Aug will get their uniform on 2 round (18 Sep)
  • Active kids vouchers are to be submitted at time of payment ($50 is deducted at time of payment).
  • Active kids vouchers cannot be processed after registration fee is paid.




Adult single player registration fee 

Kareela Adult Individual Player Registration

 Comp 1  (Sep-Dec) registration dates

  Comp 2   (Dec-Mar) registration dates

Player Fee

Player  fee (uniform purchase)

Super early bird (15% off)

12 Jun - 16 Jul

19 Aug - 9 Sep



Early bird fee (10% off):

17 Jul - 11 Aug 

10 Sep - 29 Sep



Standard fee:

12 Aug - 18 Aug

30 Sep - 13 Nov 



Registration close


13 - Nov



Late registration fee

18 Aug - 8 Sep

14 Nov - 3 Dec



Comp dates

9 Sep - 9 Dec

Mon 9/16 Dec - 6 Jan-24/31 Mar 2025



No Games

30 Sep & 7 Oct





  • Teams must register a min of 8 players
  • Adult teams are responsible for their own playing uniforms
  • Adult teams are to have matching shirts shorts and socks.
  • No t-shirts/singlets or black as a shirt colour.
  • Teams must have numbers on shirts.
  • Adult teams may purchase uniforms for an extra fee (this is included in the uniform rego fee)
  • Uniform purchase for adults teams is only available before 18 August.


Adult Team Registration fee  

Kareela comp        Adult Team Registration

  Comp 1  (Sep-Dec) Rego dates

    Comp 2      (Dec -Mar)  Rego dates

Team fee 8 Player  (2% off)

Team fee 9 Player  (5% off)

Team fee 10 Player  (8% off)

Super early bird team fee (15% off)

3 Jul - 16 Jul

19 Aug - 9 Sep




Early bird team fee (10% off):

17 Jul - 6 Aug

10 Sep - 29 Sep




Standard team fee:

7 Aug - 18 Aug

30 Sep - 13 Nov




Registration close

18 - Aug

13 - Nov




Late registration team fee

18 Aug - 3 Sep

14 Nov - 3 Dec




Comp dates

12 Sep - 5 Dec

9 Jan - 26 Mar




No Games

25/Sep & 2/Oct






  • The team discount fee will only be available for adult teams.
  • This team discount will only be given to teams that pay the entire team fee upfront.
  • All players will still be required to set up accounts and register online
  • Full team fee can only be paid for 8 9 or 10 players.
  • All players need to still register their details on line or the team will not be accepted into the competition.
  • Adult teams cannot use the team method to purchase playing strips (need to register individually).
  • The team payment is not available to junior teams.